Work in progress

Empty wall - photographs - poetry - idea - story - screenplay - film.

Art has strange ways of coming to life.

I'm working on a short-film currently, with a couple of friends. It started as a little exercise we had given ourselves. We simply wanted to put up some photographs taken by a friend on his wall. While we looked at the photographs, we found a running theme in them. From this, poetry was born, which then turned into a concept that metamorphosed over and over again, till it became what it is now. The final draft of the screenplay is almost complete, which means one more draft before story-boarding begins.

A simple thought

Genre: Comedy
Duration: 6 min 22 seconds
Role: Assistant director, Editing supervisor

Imagine sitting on a shelf. Imagine being hired by a stranger. Imagine taking in some of the most eccentric moments [to come across mankind]. Imagine being called a hyper intelligent name with numbers in it. Imagine being Raghu. (In the words of Pranav K, because I couldn't possibly put it any better)

Oh Shoot! is about a witty, cynical, playful camera that sits in a shop waiting to be rented out by its various temporary owners. This film is from the point of view of a lifeless gadget, full of life.

NOTE: The final output of this film did not turn out the way we wished, due to several reasons. But it is a concept that I'm proud of.

The first

Genre: Docu-drama
Duration: 13 min 45 seconds

Inside Out is a short film about the silly little quirks, eccentricities and flaws in us that make us...well, human. 

This is the first short film I worked on, for my final year project in college. Given the opportunity, I would re-edit Inside Out. But making this film was undoubtedly the most memorable, life-changing experience I have had. Arthur's tea cup, even though it took almost a year to materialise, was born right then.